NYPL New Arrivals

an image of an artifact in the  portfolio item

The New Arrivals web app/product is meant to allow library patrons to view and discover newly acquired materials by the library. It is capable of complex sorting functionality. Allowing patrons to see, at a very granular level, incoming materials. The New Arrivals sorting functionality can sort by language, genre and among other facets format.

an image of an artifact in the  portfolio item
A top-level view of the New Arrivals landing page. This view defaults to the most recent acquisitions.

Large Screen List View

an image of an artifact in the  portfolio item
A detail of the list view with full item description and cover image pulled from collection database

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an image of an artifact in the  portfolio item
Another detail of the list view, however, this showcases a default SVG placeholder when a poster image is unavailable


an image of an artifact in the  portfolio item
The landing page with filters applied
an image of an artifact in the  portfolio item

Excepteur minim consequat proident ullamco et. Excepteur magna enim labore dolore ex. Eiusmod do velit cillum pariatur excepteur et. Consequat amet Lorem aliquip exercitation labore duis. Eiusmod occaecat amet adipisicing irure amet et proident cillum do ex quis ex.

Mobile View

Excepteur minim consequat proident ullamco et. Excepteur magna enim labore dolore ex. Eiusmod do velit cillum pariatur excepteur et. Consequat amet Lorem aliquip exercitation labore duis. Eiusmod occaecat amet adipisicing irure amet et proident cillum do ex quis ex.

an image of an artifact in the  portfolio item
an image of an artifact in the  portfolio item