Pearson — Curriculex

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Curriculex seeks to replace traditional textbook learning with interactive and engaging lessons. For an instructor, managing course and group work can be challenging. From a student's perspective, reading through long tracts of dense text is neither tenable nor provides the necessary background and foundation for real-world nursing situations.

Towards a solution...

Our team engaged in a discovery process circumscribing how current nursing students engage with their instructors and the nursing curriculum. We learned most students are taking advantage of short-form video and text content produced across social media platforms. We also learned from interviews with students that they are developing study aides based on lecture content.

We sought to take this to an interactive level where we created lesson modules that focused on core concepts incrementally built upon as the semester went on.

For instructors with limited availability and large class sizes, we needed to create a platform where they could pull lessons, lectures, and group projects from a library consistent with educational and medical standards.

Design Discovery and Research

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A mid-fidelity screen for an instructor's overview screen. Outlining assignments, a navigation, roster and relevant instructional libraries

In my case, I was responsible for explorations centered around the instructor's experience. My approach was to create assignment and content libraries organized into dashboards with various pathways to deeper functionality, such as viewing each student's progress as they complete their homework.

I organized the dashboard into primary, secondary, and tertiary layers of functionality. Current assignments and content libraries are the primary focus.

Conceptually, the pathway design intends to surface high-level data about a particular cohort's progress across assignments. A drill down into each pre-class assignment in flight would show more granular information.

Lastly, the left nav allows for higher-level functions for subject matter, roster, and cohort (section).

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The lecture library

An alternate screen visualizing an interface for organizing lecture content (see more below ↓). The idea here is: As an instructor, I want to see which lectures I must prepare for that day. This interface visualizes a chronological feed of upcoming "during class lectures" based on cohort and section.

Before Class Experience & Analytics Screens

The overarching concept for the dashboard and subsequent screens is to provide the instructor with a range of increasingly granular insights into their class's progress.

Instructor Dashboards

an image of an artifact in the  portfolio item
The instructor's landing screen with current assignments and schedule. This screen has ancillary information covering the current roster, subject matter as well as pathways to subject and course work prep.

an image of an artifact in the  portfolio item
the fig caption...

Much of the following screens demonstrate analytics and progress for a given cohort with increasing levels of detail.

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Screen detailing the section's progress across all assignments

Student-focused Drill Downs

An image of an analytics screen
The roster screen where an instructor can monitor attendance, scores and progress.
an image of a student's assignment progress
An individual drill down to an individual's scores in general and where they are concerning their assignments.

Assignment management interface

an image of a student's progress through an assignment
Assignment Management landing screen showing progress through the given assignment

An area of exploration for the instructor's experience was to explore assignment management. We wanted to have a high level landing page that gave the instructor a snapshot of assignments in flight as well as access to libraries of assignment content with interfaces to delve deeper.

During Class Experience

An interesting yet challenging portion of the application centered around the "during class" experience. We heard from instructors that progress and scoring were two vital characteristics they would like to see. Additionally, we opted enhance the student view of the sets of questions and problems with multiplex progress meters, giving detailed progress and success for each problem.

Group Work

an image of an artifact in the  portfolio item
A screen detailing how a set of questions given either in person or remotely can be followed by an instructor.

an image of an artifact in the  portfolio item
An image from the beginning of the case study group work screen
Detailed progress per group

an image of an artifact in the  portfolio item
An example of a case study group project
An admin screen from the case study
Instructor's view of a group project with chat feature window open