A Canvas Experiment Pt 6

by: Ricardo E. Gálvez


This post is serves up our example screen w/ placeholder images set to the right resolution for the right screen content/media/desktopPlaceHolderTemplate.png

This is the first image, its a placeholder... which we havent got yet...
The Main image...

this image is only a placeholder there is nothing to see
This Image first image in this row and is user the supplied caption yeah...
this image is only a placeholder there is nothing to see
This Image second image in this row and is user the supplied caption yeah...
this image is only a placeholder there is nothing to see
This is first image in this row and is user the supplied caption yeah...
this image is only a placeholder there is nothing to see
This is the second image in this row and is user the supplied caption yeah...
this image is only a placeholder there is nothing to see
This might well be the third image in this row and is user the supplied caption yeah...
Some other alt text as well
Some other alt text as well
Some other alt text as well
Some other alt text as well

JS vendor's name: paperjs
the initial path to the javascript: js/vendor/
the JS Vendor URL: paper/paper-full.js
here is the lower cased vendor name: paperjs